Green Toys

Ferry Boat With Cars

  • £32.95

Green Toys Inc. has always been an eco-friendly toy company, with an ingrained  commitment to sustainability and playfulness. Made from 100% recycled materials and unquestionably safe products, they believe that best way to encourage environmental change is through goods people buy and use every day. Recycled milk jugs are the primary ingredient in these toys, sometimes integrated with other types of recycled plastic such as yogurt pots. 

Bath time has never been so much fun! This three-piece play set has a floating ferry boat with working ramp to load and unload passengers and two mini cars to take on adventures.

Compatible with the Green Toys Car Carrier, for on-land fun too!

  • Age 3 +
  • Care: Dishwasher safe
  • Ferry Boat Dimensions: 25.4cm long x 16.7cm wide x 16cm high
  • Mini cars measure 10cm long